Thursday, April 01, 2010

Myth Making

Representative Ryan Winkler (DFL) 44B weighs in on the "myth" of states' rights.

More from Winkler on these myths:

Seifert and Emmer lined up for Act II last week. They led every single Republican in the Legislature in a bizarre attempt to deny health care coverage for hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans. And they brought their secret weapon: do it yourself constitutional theories-–legal fantasies born and raised on the Internet.

Yes, Minnesota Republicans in the House and Senate called Social Security and Medicare unconstitutional. Using states' rights myths in an attempt to undermine historic federal health insurance reform, Seifert, Emmer, and their misguided followers want to exclude Minnesotans from the health care benefits all other Americans will receive. And they want to do it by wasting taxpayer dollars to file a frivolous lawsuit against the federal government.

At last count, this "bizarre" attempt to employ "legal fantasies born and raised on the internet" to question the constitutionality of ObamaCare was being supported by attorney generals from fourteen states.

Winkler goes on to make it quite clear what he thinks of those who dare raise a voice against this latest expansion of federal power and accompanying diminution of individual liberty.

That's what happens when partisan fringe movements play on people's fears. Mistruths and conspiracy theories turn into party platforms, and Minnesotans end up paying the price.

Act III is next week when the Tea Party Express will roll into town with such reality TV heroes as Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber. Before then, the Republican Party has to decide if they are a serious party with a serious purpose, or whether they are the party of cheap entertainment, paranoid conspiracy theories, and unguided anger. I guess we'll find out next week if they fall all over themselves to get Joe the Plumber’s autograph.

If the stakes weren't so high, the extreme behavior of Minnesota Republicans would almost be funny. But with 215,000 Minnesotans unemployed and 480,000 uninsured, our state needs serious leaders focused on real solutions--instead of just the fear they’re trying to peddle. Constructive conservatives are welcome.

Got that folks? If you oppose ObamaCare, you're part of a "partisan fringe movement" that "plays on people's fears" by employing "mistruths, paranoid conspiracy theories, and unguided anger." Does it sound like Ryan Winkler represents you in any way whatsoever? Does it sound there's any chance he'd be open and willing to listen to your voice, the voice of his constituents?

Winkler's closing "outreach" that "constructive conservatives are welcome" is about as genuine and meaningful as President Obama's alleged desire for bi-partisan participation in crafting the health care reform legislation. What Winkler and President Obama really want are "moderate" Republicans who will roll over for them and cave in to the Democrats view on most occasions. Occasionally they'll throw these "good" Republicans a bone and let them have a little pet project here or there, but mostly their role is to be play ball with the majority party and not get in the way of their path of progress.

Sorry Ryan, but there's still some of us out here who believe that the framers came up with a pretty darn good way to balance the powers of various branches and levels of government with the individual rights of American citizens. This Constitution has served us well as a country over the years and even though it occasionally gets in the way of progressive plans for a glorious way forward to serve the common good, we cling to this quaint believe that its precepts should be respected and followed. You may consider these traditional beliefs to be nothing more than "myths," but to a good number of Americans they are the foundations upon which our exceptional country has been built upon.


Paul said...

Excellent post. In their nationalistic zeal and aspirations, the DFL and Winkler throw Minnesotans under the bus. Ryan would undoubtedly deny that ObamaCare adversely impacts Minnesotans vis a vis other states like Nebraska, Louisiana, and Florida. Two examples: (1) subsidizing states without programs that measure up to MinnesotaCare, and (2) taxing tanning salons. Too many Minnesotans like Ryan think like residents of a territory rather than citizens of a State.

SD44 MNGOP said...

Great XVth amendment segregationist comfort-language analogy at Chad's behind-our-video YouTube post at